Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 8, 2013

Are You Struggling To Lose Belly Fat Because Of Your Poor Genetics

The Best Fat Burning Foods Are Found In Places You Would Never Think To Look

The ironic thing about the best fat burning foods is that most people avoid them like the plague. The disconnect is that too many people view fat as bad, and while there are some fats that should be avoided at all costs, there are natural, healthy fats that are absolutely imperative to your weight loss. It is essential to consume healthy fats in order for your body to function properly.

 Perhaps the most common fat that our body needs is Omega 3s. And while you may be aware that you need this type of fat, you may not:

Are You Struggling To Lose Belly Fat Because Of Your Poor Genetics

Genetics play a very big role when it comes to fat loss. There are almost 7 billion people in the world and every one of them is different. This especially true when it comes to metabolic individuality. Some people do not seem to gain any weight no matter how much food they eat and others will gain weight even if they do not eat much at all. What can you do if you have poor genetics?

 Considering that people are all different then one training and nutrition program can not possible work for everyone. Some person may get great results while others scratch their heads and wonder why they can not lose fat. If you want to lose belly fat permanently then it is essential to understand the uniqueness of your psychology and to change your training and nutrition plans according to your need and not follow anyone else.

 Most people, which is around 60%, are average. So they respond very well to a proper training and nutrition program, which enables them to lose fat. Then there is the 20% of people who lose fat very easily and another 20% of people, who have really big problems, including you I suppose.

 The people who can most benefit from getting enough of this fatty acid are those who find themselves chronically tired, have foggy memory, heart problems, mood swings and depression. All of these issues greatly affect ones ability to lose weight.

 If you are constantly exhausted, hitting the gym or going out for an evening walk will be out of the question. You will be more likely to reach for a candy bar or a food high in sugar and caffeine to help you through your day as well. Those who have mood swings and suffer from depression will also suffer in their weight loss goals because energy will be low, as well as motivation. So in order to get your body moving, you must get enough Omega 3s, but where do we find it?

 So what are some other fats that your body needs? Well, this may surprise you. While olive oil has always topped the list of healthy fats, you may not be aware of the amazing health benefits of coconut oil and evengaspbutter.

 First, coconut oil is rich and natural. An excellent option for cooking with high heat, this is a wonderful substitute for those unhealthy vegetable oils or fake butter sprays. All of the fats that are highly processed and packed full of chemicals are absolutely killers to a healthy fat burning diet.

 A thick, creamy, organic butter is actually a healthy option for those watching their waistline. Now, before you run out and load up on the butter, keep in mind that it should come from cows that are grass fed. If not, you may still be getting an inferior product that is filled with chemicals and sub par ingredients.


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